In the world of elite military operations, Delta Force operators embody resilience, discipline, and critical thinking. Their experiences in combat offer invaluable lessons that extend far beyond the battlefield. Here are eleven life lessons inspired by the mindset and experiences of a Delta operator.
Read MoreThe decision to lawfully carry a handgun for personal protection should not be taken lightly or approached in a cavalier manner. It's a very significant undertaking, with permanent, life-altering consequences if we are careless, negligent or have a lapse of reason, or allow our ego or pride to drive our decision-making process while carrying a firearm.
Read MoreThese days, all kinds of optics are available for both defensive and general-purpose carbines, but arguably the red-dot [reflex] sight and the LPVO [low power variable optic] are the most popular. Both have their strengths and weaknesses, but ultimately their aim is the same: helping shooters put rounds on target. Red-dot sights are built for quick, close-distance shots while LPVOs are intended to be both quick up close with the added ability to magnify targets further away.
Read MoreLast year, we made it out to San Antonio, Texas, for a weekend of training strictly devoted to the LPVO with the veteran-operated training organization, Green Ops. Two days were split between courses of fire including CQB, sub-100 yard applications, and 100+ yard identification and engagement drills…all while under a Texas sun providing us with cooling, triple-digit temperatures.
Read MoreOn the morning of the 11th, Jose finished his PT and was getting dressed for work when his wife Patty called from the barn at West Point where she had her horses to tell him to turn on his TV because “. . . something big was happening.” Like so many Americans and particularly those within his profession, Jose remembers feeling two things most of all, an otherworldly anger that seemed to ache from deep within his bones paired with the intangible drive to help in whatever capacity he might offer.
Read MoreSafely back at the airfield after a hard day at the office, Gordon peered at his watch, squinting to make out the 0100 hour through the broken crystal. While shaken and exhausted from the rigors of his first full day of combat operations, Gordon felt truly alive, aware in that moment that war would be his life’s trade.
Read MoreDuring a Green Ops Defensive Carbine Course a drill often drilled and taught by instructor Luke D was the “Fight to Your Feet Drill.” This drill trains the shooter on shooting while supine, sitting, kneeling, and then on their feet. It is a great drill to learn truly how to fight to your feet when in an engagement and there are some tips that will really help in each position.
Read More"You'll never win with a stock gun.." Says every ignorant shooter. Joshua Shaw, one of the fastest guys to class up to GM tells us how and why he used to a stock CZ to get it done
Read MoreKnow and be able to apply the National Rifle Association’s (NRA’s), Jeff Cooper’s, and the military’s basic firearm safety rules. If you have semi-automatic rifles and pistols—the most generally useful firearms for defensive purposes—know their eight-step firing cycle (p. 4-2) and Cooper’s sequence of Weapon Conditions for loading and unloading them.
Read MoreThe Viking Tactics Barricade designed by Kyle Lamb and 9 hole drill is meant to call your shots and build effective positions on ports that work for you and your weapon system. This was apparent after a recent LPVO class taught by Green Ops and trying my own hand on the barricade. Kyle designed those awkward positions to enhance your awareness of what works and what doesn't.
Read MoreThere aren’t any wasted rounds in a Green Ops class, no mindless paper-punching. Every drill challenges students in terms of marksmanship and/or speed, and the outcome of each drill is analyzed. Targets aren’t just “something to shoot at.” They’re tools for measuring performance. Students are held accountable for where on the target their rounds land.
Read MoreWorking in the world of firearms instruction, I am exposed to many opinions, from both fellow trainers and students, about what background and experiences are valuable for an instructor to have. There are four main background sources from which instructors most often identify: private individuals holding a basic level of third-party certification, law enforcement officers, those with basic to elite military experience, and those that are the focus of this article, competition shooters.
Read MoreWith a GLOCK 48 & and appropriate level of belt adjustment, the system goes on and, if properly positioned, you can almost forget that you are carrying a handgun. A word to the wise- while my ENIGMA and PRO arrived assembled as a unit, it is my understanding that the ENIGMA by itself ships disassembled. PHLster has excellent video tutorials available to help facilitate a smooth and trouble-free initial setup of the chassis.
Read MoreA brief summary of each is that you need a known action or data point for reference. Repeatability speaks to both repetitions and consistency. The real stands for looking at things objectively versus subjectively and finally reporting is about what you do with the information and knowledge you derive during your efforts. Now let us look at each one in a little more depth and with some examples of how you might possibly change what you are doing and find the growth you are after.
Read MorePeople’s desire to enhance their ability to defend themselves is presumably the reason for these bull markets in guns because, over the years, polls have consistently shown that self-defense is always the primary reason people acquire guns. But data have also indicated that most gun owners never attend formal training in their guns’ use.
Read MoreThere can be little doubt that appendix inside the waistband (AIWB) carry has seen a resurgence of popularity within the last decade or so, and for good reason. AIWB carry generally facilitates the ability to successfully carry a service-sized handgun concealed, provided you put in the work to dress around the gun (not wearing a spandex shmedium shirt while rocking your G19 Roland Special in the 1 o’clock). Generally speaking, AIWB carry means that you’re carrying a handgun in the 1 o’clock position as a right-handed shooter, and 11 o’clock as a southpaw. With that established, how did I make the journey from AIWB sceptic to a full-fledged believer? Read on…….
Read MoreThe decision to lawfully carry a handgun for personal protection should not be taken lightly or approached in a cavalier manner. It’s a very significant undertaking, with permanent, life-altering consequences if we are careless, negligent or have a lapse of reason, or allow our ego or pride to drive our decision making process while carrying a firearm. Should one weigh the risks and decide to lawfully carry a concealed handgun, we owe it to ourselves and the ones that depend on us to be well trained, of good moral character and to be a sound tactician and decision-maker. The onus is on the individual reader to ensure that all local, state and Federal laws are observed.
Read MoreMike Green of Green Ops testing out his new custom built Sons of Liberty Gun Works Rifle. The M76LT is truly an incredible rifle with superior craftsmanship by the good folks at Sons of Liberty Gun Works. Follow them online @sonsoflibertygw or at
Read MoreAs you are all well aware, a pandemic, the novel-Corona (COVID-19) virus, has been sweeping the globe, and with it, leaving bare shelves and a panicked populace in its wake. If you’ve been following the news like I’ve been, you’ve undoubtedly noticed a disturbing trend in the number of reports surfacing over interpersonal violence at checkout lines, supermarkets and public venues where, a short two or three weeks ago, no such concerns existed.
Read MoreWhy the squat, bench press, deadlift, and overhead press? Because each one of them uses the most amount of muscle to perform the lift, or more simply put, more bang for your buck. The squat movement uses your quads, glutes, hamstrings, abdominals, upper back, lats, and calves. The bench press movement uses your pectorals, triceps, lats, front delts and others.
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