See Our VIRGINIA Classes
See Our TEXAS Classes
See Our Law Enforcement Classes
See Our North Carolina Classes
See Our Alabama Classes
The instructors reserve the right to remove students from the class who are unsafe or do NOT meet the requirements.
1. Treat All Firearms as Loaded at All Times! Make no exceptions. Don't "pretend" that this is true; be deadly serious about it.
2. Never let the Muzzle of your Firearm cover anything you are not willing to destroy. Discipline: Always keep your muzzle pointed in the safest direction and never intentionally cross anything you are not prepared to shoot.
-A Safe Direction is one where NO injury and only minor property damage could occur if an unintentional round is fired.
3. Keep your finger off the Trigger till your sights are on target: Keep your trigger finger straight on the frame of the gun unless the muzzle is pointed at something you are prepared to shoot. Keep the trigger finger outside the trigger guard when moving and when not actively engaging a target.
-The trigger finger is only placed into the trigger guard and on the trigger when coming on target just before firing. When you stop firing, take the trigger finger out of the trigger guard and lay it straight on the frame.
4. Identify your target and what is behind it: Be sure of your target. Identify what it is, what it is in line with, and what is behind it. Never shoot anything you have not positively identified.
We shoot rain or shine. Lightning will stop the training. When possible, we try to use the EZ shelters to mitigate the rain. Rain jackets and other helpful gear are recommended (such as an extra pair of shoes or pants for the ride back home).
Please refer to our cancellation and refunds policy HERE
All waiver forms must be signed PRIOR to the class HERE
If you are interested in hosting a course or private training , please contact us more info.
We strive to have all instructors present for each class. There are times when this will not be possible. No matter which instructors are present, Green Ops will provide the highest quality professional instruction.